Jumat, Januari 07, 2011

Tools I3Play Easily play and extract PointBlank's game's sound


i3Play - Easily play and extract PointBlank's in-game sounds.

Attached Image: untitled.JPG

i3Play enables you to play WAV files inside PointBlank's i3Pack files. It also has an option that allows you to save a WAV to an external file.

How to use:
- Load up an i3Pack file (you can find them inside "Point Blank\Pack" folder).
- The application will attempts to scan any WAV files inside the i3Pack.
- Any WAV files found will be listed in the ListBox on the left.
- Click on the listed files to view their details, play, or save them to a new file.

- .NET Framework 2.0 or later.

Spoiler VirusTotal 

Spoiler Download Link 

Password: graphorz@N3

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  i3Play.zip (45.03K)
    Number of downloads: 641

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